Thoth Publishers Workshop, May 09, 2022


Participating stakeholders:

external: Lever Press, University of Westminster Press, University of London Press, Scottish Universities Open Access Press, mattering press and

internal: Open Book Publishers, punctum books, Jisc.

Workshop outline: Over the last year, COPIM’s open metadata management and dissemination system Thoth has taken decisive steps in the development of a minimal viable product. Currently all publishers that are a member of ScholarLed are using or intending to use Thoth within their production pipelines. As the project under whose umbrella Thoth is being developed, COPIM, is entering its final stage, the Thoth development team is now establishing the foundations for its long-term sustainability.

With this workshop, COPIM’s Work Package 5 team invites both current and prospective users of Thoth to a workshop to gather feedback on the software as it is currently deployed and explore a possible business model for Thoth, which would entail both keeping up a free version of Thoth and offering a suite of bespoke metadata management services.



Header image: COPIM remix of photo by Alina Grubnyak on Unsplash.